Rank & Row is a nonprofit sown by Ohio Veterans and their families to strengthen the ties among the Veteran and First Responder community through the agricultural enrichment of Ohio.
Humbly, we share that in late 2016, Rank and Row was founded in an effort to pair emerging growers with farmer mentors in their chosen field of agriculture. We've mentored emerging agribusinesses, always striving to engage in a positive fashion with those who once served in uniform and now serve again. In 2020 Rank and Row rolled out with renewed vigor, gathering area business professionals to mentor our rising farmers. When the pandemic hit, member farmers requested we pivot to provide a more broad service to the community. We embraced the opportunity, as a community of growers, to use our farming equipment to install gardens for others, and to distribute seeds and starts to home-bound individuals nearby. While we maintained our September 11th Outreach to area first responders, we also aligned ourselves with some great organizations who are serving those in hardship from the pandemic. Our growers contributed thousands of pounds of produce to outreach efforts and community support organizations in 2020 (thank you all!). For 2021, our Board of Directors is focused on serving those who served as they grow for themselves and others.
In addition to our farmer to farmer mentorship pairing, Veteran and First Responder connections, and agribusiness mentorship, we have some exciting developments in motion for 2021.
It is our belief that the soil is healing. It is our belief that families can and should grow some of their own food. To this, our primary goal this year is to support our growers, expand our base network, and facilitate communication across our community of farmers. To this, we are actively engaging with rising growers of all sizes, those who once served their community, and now do so again. Uniforms or overalls, these are hard working hands and hard working folks! God bless ya!
In 2021, look for community gardens from Rank and Row, and grower resources like, “Ask Andy”, wisdom from our generous mentor who has offered to lend his 80+ years of growing experience to the community.
As we climb out of the darkness that was a pandemic winter, we want to thank you all for your resilience and willingness to adapt. While America is far from perfect, we at Rank and Row, are encouraged by the generosity of neighbors and the resilience of this beautiful nation. Stay strong. Get your hands to the soil. Thrive!
Rank and Row was founded by Danny Armstrong, Ted and Jessica Schneider.
Danny Armstrong served in the United States Navy and United States Coast Guard before retiring from the military. He now serves his community in a variety of ways, but his current focus is on his education and we are thrilled to watch him climb! Danny is a fabricator, an inventor, a trouble shooter, and a connector of people. Danny's time in the Seabees enhanced his innovative nature, which pairs incredibly well with farming. Danny can build anything and he is the first to lend a hand when a friend is in need and he will shine a light on any avenue he takes.
Jessica Schneider joined the United States Air Force Reserves after the events of September 11th. Jessica served, through the Air Force Reserves and Air National Guard for a total of ten years. Following her deployments, Jessica returned home, married, and started growing food and a family. Mentored by her Grandfather, Jessica places extreme value on the people who farm, the rhythm of agriculture, and the community that agriculture inevitably produces.
Ted Schneider III, husband to Jessica, turned dirt at his home in West Akron. Ted later farmed hops in Aurora as he grew a family. Ted is in software, by trade, but he drives a mean tractor. Ted is a builder and a fabricator when the task calls for it, and he has found peace in the sequences of the farm life. He strives to share the farm life with his children and community by supporting new agriculture entrepreneurs, learning, and lending a hand and a smile.
Rank and Row Board of Directors: Rank and Row’s Board of Directors is compiled of an esteemed collection of area professionals who each bring a keen eye to the growth and function of the organization. Through business, education, financial planning, and mentorship, this team seeks to authentically preserve the goals of Rank and Row in all of her engagements and aspirations.
Old Stow Farm is a community focused family farm featuring an ingeniuse maple co-op, vegetables, eggs, and apiary.
We strive to provide families with the highest quaility eggs, Geauga County maple syrup, produce, and honey. The same that we would feed ours. Our community is our family.
Compass Crops is the Summit County rebranding of your old friends from Schneider's Hop Haus LLC. Compass Crops grows veggies, fruits, flax, and einkorn wheat on a small homestead in Akron.
Membership categories
Service members are those members who have served or are currently serving in the U.S. Armed Forces or serving their community as a First Responder (Fire, Police, EMS). These members are also actively turning dirt. Some Service Members grow food for their family, while others grow food on a commercial scale. Apiary, livestock, row croppers, and maple farms are all members of this collective. Service Members may choose blue or red for their designated logo, often reflecting their other line of service. Service Members are voting members of Rank and Row.
Mentor Members hail from established farms in the area. Mentor Members are farmers who have graciously taken one or more emerging farmer under their wing. The details of the relationships between mentor and mentee differ through each avenue of agriculture, but the mission is the same. Mentor Members are the golden parachute of our agricultural viability. They have earned their stripes and they are willing to share their knowledge. Mentor Members are voting members for all Rank and Row matters.
Community Supporters are those outstanding individuals and organizations in our community who have responded to the call to serve in their own unique manner. Some Community Supporters donate time or resources to the efforts of Rank and Row. Other Community Supporters use their talents and skills to keep us on the level. Rank and Row would not be able to do the work outlined here, were it not for our Community Supporters. Community Supporters are not voting members of Rank and Row. Do you value the mission of Rank and Row? Would you like to become a Community Supporter?
Gardens Supported3
Plots Scheduled13
Total Rank and Row Gardens36
Veterans and First Responders ImpactedPlease visit our instagram and facebook pages for current engagement.